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【03.27】2024年粒子天体物理重点实验室系列学术报告 #6--Spectroscopy for Asymmetric Binary Black Hole Mergers
文章来源:  2024-03-25
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报告题目:Spectroscopy for Asymmetric Binary Black Hole Mergers

报告人:Jahed Abedi(University of Stavanger)

主持人:Rahim Moradi (中国科学院高能物理研究所)




We investigate Bayesian inference in the context of black hole ringdown modes for simulated binary black hole signals. We aim to determine the degree to which various essential ringdown modes can be distinguished when conducting black hole spectroscopy. The basis for our simulated signals is the notable high-mass event GW190521. Our findings reveal a significant connection between the mass ratio and the Bayes factors associated with the secondary ringdown modes. Furthermore, our analysis shows that the Bayes factor values, their temporal evolution, and the peak time of the (3,3,0) mode closely align with those observed in the analysis of the actual event GW190521, especially in high-mass ratio systems. 


Jahed Abedi completed his Ph.D. at Sharif University of Technology in 2017 and then worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, Albert Einstein Institute (AEI) in Hannover from 2018 to 2021. Subsequently, he continued his postdoctoral work at the University of Stavanger. Jahed has a wide range of interests in gravitational physics, covering observational and theoretical aspects. In recognition of his pioneering work in understanding quantum gravitational phenomena, he was honored with the 2019 Buchalter Cosmology First Prize.


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